Monday, March 26, 2007

Marathon training diary no7: injury

I've been slightly (although inadvertently) smug about my lack of injuries during training. I think I'd put it down to proper planning and equipment. Well now I'm laughing on the other side of my face. I seem to have some kind of problem with my left ankle.

The joint isn't swollen, clicking or grinding. Instead I have a general dull pain around the bottom of my leg (where it joins the foot). I imagine that I have just misjudged a curb or twisted it a little on a rough surface.

However, I only have four weeks to go before the marathon so I am I intend to employ four palliative measures... ARSE!

  1. Anti-inflammatories (I've been popping Nurofen)

  2. Rest (I'm off running for at least two days and reading E.M Forster instead)

  3. Sub zero temperatures (I've been sat here with frozen peas on my leg all evening)

  4. Elevation (the frozen peas were on a cushion)

You see, you can lead an elevated intellectual life with frozen peas on your lower limbs - go on GIVE PEAS A CHANCE!

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