Friday, December 22, 2006

Marathon training diary no1: The beastly flab

For most of the last 10 years I've regarded myself as on the upper side of reasonably fit. I was rudely awakened from this agreeable fantasy by two events. The first (during our biannual Thames rowing trip) was Chris's gleeful pointing out of my love handles. The second was the rather more painful experience of being beaten by LOTS of women over the Open University Tour course. My ego was deflated and I have now started humbly from the bottom again in my new guise of Mr Lardarse.

I have set myself the goal of doing a 3hrs 30min marathon in 2007; that would be a Personal Best (PB) and would represent a major improvement on the shambling wreck I became by summer 2006. London Marathon apparently doesn't want me (the swine) so I have done what all good Englishman should do when shunned by their country. I have gone continental and applied for the Paris Marathon.

Technical and administrative shenanigans aside I have also put in place a regime. For now this revolves around a minimum of two runs per week. My Monday run is a long leisurely affair around Willen Lake. My Thursday run is a somewhat more frantic 'hills session' with Marshall Milton Keynes AC. These all seem to be going well. I've certainly graduated from last to not last over the last (damn) few weeks and I'm hoping soon to qualify for the Ladies Senior 70s team.

In the New Year I'm hoping to stitch in a 'speed' session to get my old muscle fibres twitching like a live-baked maggot but one thing at a time eh?

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