Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Sri Lanka: part one

Christmas was a wash out but at least I had a further three weeks of holiday to look forward to. I drove back to MK to collect my thoughts, do laundry etc. I had dinner with Beccy at the Barge and set off to Oxford in the morning. The day was predictably full of delays but eventually I found myself at the same bus stop where my ill fated trip to Chamonix had begun. No omen I hope.

We took the bus to Heathrow (I slept all the way) then hung about in the airport waiting for our slightly delayed flight. About 30mins after take off I had my first taste of Sri Lanka. A lovely veggie curry. Sometimes I could chuck the whole meat thing in. It doesn't add much more than a cheap thrill to food.

Oddly and uncharacteristically I played video games on the plane. Admittedly one of these was chess (the computer was stupid) but there were also a few space invaders type games.

The Maldives looked pretty amazing from the air. Beautiful rings of azure in a deep blue sea. I understand that they have a pretty nasty government (hence all the Trouble in Paradise headlines).

Arriving in Colombo we too a too long taxi ride to Ranjit's place. It oddly reminds me of Leafield road in Oxford. Nice airy 70's architecture. Gareth didn't appear to have been sick down this wall however.

I don't have a strong idea of Colombo yet. We spent evening one eating at our B&B, Evening two at a New Year party at the Galle Face Hotel (V swanky) and evening three in an outdoor restaurant on Duplication road. In between we have seen the harbour, endless markets, the (quite lovely) National Museum and some nice churches and temples.

The people (as in India) have been lovely. This is balanced out by a slightly reckless attitude to the road and the heavy military presence designed to counter the very real threat of Tamil nationalism.

Today (Jan 2nd 2008) we will head up to Kandy via the Elephant Orphanage. Hey! Flumpage! I'll see if I can bag a couple of little ones to bring home.

So far I have seen egrets, frogs, things that look like chip monks, hooded crows and a bird beginning with k with a white spike and red eyes.

Lots if sight/site seeing to do today.

Gary Nelmes xx

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