In an effort to break out of the mundane meaninglessness of this veil of tears I like to try new things. Sadly for my friends this means that they get dragged along to things they might not otherwise choose to waste their time on.
This week's new horizon was full of leather and willow. Not (as you may assume) a bondage session in the Milton Keynes dungeon but a nets session with
The Open University Cricket Club. Apart from chasing a few balls around the cricket ground at Jordon Hill I have never been involved with the national summer game so I was, to say the least, a bit clueless.
Fortunately Tom Argles and the OUCC people were very helpful and encouraging and we all got to have a go with both ball and bat. My bowling was a bit varied but I did claim my first 'victim' just before the close of play (see how I'm getting into the lingo). Batting came slightly more easily and I managed to hit most of the balls in a collection of random directions. We all enjoyed ourselves tremendously and would like to go back for another go.
The act of doing something new (allied with my own personal need to keep busy) stimulated a bit of pub brain-storm last night and we came up with a further list of things to do. They were...
Narrow boating; crayfishing; fly fishing; conservation volunteering; swimming; six a side cricket; sailing; wind surfing; trampoline; kick boxing; archery; shooting; listening to live music; tennis; crown green bowling; golf; road cycling; mountain biking; skiing; whistling; football kick about; badminton; table tennis; motor racing; horse riding; pub quizzing; pot holing; rafting; ballroom dancing; playing music. I also refer you to
my previous list